After receiving several requests by clients to do portrait paintings of their fur family / pets, I discovered that I really liked painting a variety of animal pets and could spend hours/days to achieve their true likeness. Love painting animals and always open for commissioned pet portraits. Though I prefer taking my own photos of the chosen subject but I can and will work from any supplied photo.
Pinot Grigio, otherwise simply known as Gigi, a service dog belonging to our friend Peter. A most lovable and friendly dog one could ever meet. was an honour and a pleasure for me to paint this magnificent animal.
A Keechon dog and his pal, a german shepherd cross.
Miley and his best friend Stanley the bunny hanging out, I love the character of this Yorkie and his buddy
Posing with a Pomeranian called Blue, beside a painting of him
Zoey, a cross Bull Terrier & French Bulldog, this is the initial pencil sketch
The finished product of Zoey, some minor changes and an emphasis on her overbite, something all who know her can relate to.